Useful Tips to Prepare Your Children For Online Exams- Infograph


As we navigate the digital era, online education has become a staple. But with the benefits come challenges, particularly when it comes to online exams, which can be a source of stress for both children and parents. To help your child tackle their online assessments with confidence, here are some practical tips you can implement right away:

  1. Understand the Rules: Familiarise yourself and your child with the specific rules and guidelines of online exams. Reading them together can prevent any confusion during the test.
  2. Create a Study Sanctuary: Designate a quiet space for your child’s study sessions. A dedicated table and chair, free from distractions and equipped with necessary power outlets for devices, can make all the difference in their concentration levels.
  3. Emphasise Revision: Encourage regular review sessions. Remember, learning is only as effective as the revision that follows. Help them set aside time for each subject, focusing on their weaker areas to ensure steady improvement.
  4. Encourage Breaks and Well-being: Regular breaks are crucial for maintaining focus and reducing exam anxiety. Ensure your child balances study with activities that promote well-being.
  5. Test Run Technology: Technical glitches during an exam can be a nightmare. Help your child perform a ‘tech-check’ prior to the exam to ensure all software and hardware are running smoothly.
  6. Practice with Past Papers: Familiarity breeds confidence. Practicing with past exam papers can give your child a clear idea of what to expect and help them manage their time effectively during the actual exam.

Remember, a prepared child is a confident student. By integrating these strategies, you can help your child excel in their online examinations.

If you’re looking for an established online school in the UK, Cambridge Home School Online offers a structured, inclusive, and high-quality online British education that can give your child the edge they need to succeed. With experienced teachers and a supportive environment, it’s a place where your child can thrive academically. Contact us to discover how we can contribute to your child’s educational journey.


useful tips to prepare your children for online exams

Ways to Improve Grades in Online School- Infograph

Achieving academic success in an online school requires more than just attending classes; it involves active engagement and strategic planning. Here are essential tips for students looking to enhance their performance and improve their grades in a virtual learning environment.

  1. Active Participation: Engagement is key in online schooling. Whether it’s through asking insightful questions or contributing to discussions, active participation is a proven method for mastering course material and demonstrating your commitment to learning.
  2. Effective Communication: Don’t hesitate to reach out to your instructors. If you’re struggling with an assignment or a particular concept, setting up time to talk to your teacher outside of class can provide clarity and show your initiative.
  3. Targeted Queries: It’s important to be specific when you need help. Instead of asking your teacher to repeat an entire lesson, pinpoint the exact topics you’re struggling with. This focused approach will get you the help you need without wasting time.
  4. Time Management: One of the best strategies for academic improvement is to create a study schedule. Allocating dedicated study time for each subject helps manage your workload and prevents last-minute cramming.

By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can take control of your education and see a real improvement in your grades. And if you’re on the lookout for a reputable online school in the UK that supports your academic journey, consider Cambridge Home School Online. With a comprehensive curriculum and experienced educators, they provide a conducive learning environment that encourages students to excel. Visit their website to explore how they can help you achieve your educational goals.


ways to improve grades