How to Balance Online School and Your Social Life

A group of students socialises while wearing backpacks.

In today’s fast-paced work and competitive environment, students are overburdened with various pressures and stressors, struggling with school work, attending classes, spending time with family and friends, etc.

It’s increasingly harder to do all this and focus on yourself, follow your passions, hobbies, and creative activities, and build meaningful relationships with peers, but it’s not impossible. There are several effective strategies to achieve online school and social life balance and harmony, and here are a few that you can apply:

1. Start by creating a schedule for each term at our online school in the UK

The first and foremost thing to do before you start fretting over balancing online school and your social life is to make a detailed schedule each term. Your class timings and schedule may vary from term to term, especially if you’re at a higher education level, which is why we recommend that you do this periodically.

Your schedule should comprise class timings and days, daily activities such as working out or sports practice, different hobbies, chores and errands, and other day-to-day tasks that you engage in. It should also outline what your week looks like throughout this period and what weekend activities and events are coming up. If you have pre-scheduled tasks and events in your calendar or schedule, it’s easier to plan social gatherings around them, giving you a headstart on the rest of your work.

Knowing their social calendar so far ahead is difficult for many, but you can focus on more serious, consistent commitments instead.


A student works in his room, using a laptop at his desk.


2. Design a to-do list and prioritise tasks ahead of time

Additionally, make a to-do list that allows you to prioritise tasks and structure them based on importance and urgency. Writing out a clear list and plan gives you the clarity you need to dedicate time and effort more effectively.

For instance, you can go by order of submission and completion or by order of significance and weightage. If you have smaller, easier assignments and tasks coming up, you may be able to place them lower on the list and prioritise more demanding work instead. This varies from task to task and your own personal capabilities.

Having a to-do list allows you to stick to your schedule more efficiently while keeping online school and your social life balanced. Knowing what needs to be done and having a clear idea beforehand gives you time to plan, prepare, and ease yourself into your workload.

3. Pencil in all your deadlines and submission dates early

Working around your schedule and to-do list, it’s essential that you keep track of deadlines and submissions of all kinds too. Whether these deadlines are for classes at your online British school, external deadlines, or tasks related to non-academic activities, keeping an active log of them is a game-changer.

Once you know a major deadline is coming up, you can use your time more efficiently, scheduling social commitments either well before or right after these due dates. It’s especially helpful to do so as an older student with higher course loads and more demanding studies. Teachers at Cambridge Home School Online ensure that students are familiar with their expectations and have sufficient time to prepare for tests, exams, assignment submissions, and other deadlines to allow them greater online school and social life balance.

4. Merge hobbies and creative activities, and social activities smartly

A great tip to help save time, preserve your energy, and make socialising more enjoyable is to merge hobbies and creative activities with your social life. This may not work for everyone, but it’s definitely a great way to spend time with friends and loved ones while still pursuing different interests.

For instance, if you play a sport, you can invite some of your friends to join you during a practice session or ask them to join your club. If you take an art class, try having a painting party with your buddies, or cook together if that’s one of your passions. It’s a great trick to upping your skills, using your time intelligently, and spending time with friends in a unique way.

Sometimes these hobbies and creative activities might just double as social opportunities, allowing you to make new friends, connect with like-minded people, and bond over mutual interests.


Three students attend classes online in a room.


5. Plan out meet-ups and hang-outs with your friends

Rather than counting on something to fall into place when the weekend or evening rolls around, take the initiative and plan when you’ll meet your friends. This is especially useful if you have conflicting schedules, which make it difficult to balance online school and your social life.

Designate a certain day of the week or month when you will see each other, plan out different activities, and see how you can move things around to fit that. This will help reduce the anxiety around going out and spending time away from your work and study schedule, so you can enjoy yourself to the fullest.

While this may not be everyone’s still, it does help when you have a pre-planned schedule and routine, and you can see which days and hours you’re free. Our Cambridge-based online school’s timings may differ from conventional schooling, so you’ll likely have greater flexibility than your friends, which is always a plus!

6. Learn to draw boundaries between school and socialising

However, one key skill every student needs to develop is the ability to say no. There’s no denying how real peer pressure can be and how easy it is to get swept away when a friend insists that you go off-track and schedule to do something.

Occasionally, that might be okay if you don’t have pressing or urgent deadlines ahead, but it’s necessary to draw and maintain boundaries consistently. Don’t force yourself to go out on a weeknight if you know you’ll be tired for class the next morning, or spend the entire weekend hanging out when you know you have a major exam coming up. It’s okay to say no and prioritise your education over social activities. You’re not a bad friend for not caving in to peer pressure.

Sometimes, however, the opposite holds true too. You can push doing your homework by a few hours or step out after online school to see your friends. It’s a delicate balance between online school and your social life, but worth it in the long run.

7. Use dedicated study areas to get things done in time for online British school

A great tip when looking to separate and create a balance between online school and your social life is to use dedicated spaces for each activity. For instance, using your bedroom to spend time with your friends while taking all your classes there and studying there during the day can be overwhelming.

Instead, use different parts of your home to distinguish between both activities and build the sense that you’re stepping out of your routine to spend quality time with friends and loved ones. You can also spend time outside the home or library where you study, such as heading to a park or restaurant or going to their house if you prefer to stay in.


A group of teenagers laughs and enjoys the outdoors.


8. Turn social activities into something productive

Can’t seem to make time for your friends with how hectic your schedules are? Use your socialising time productively and get both things done. Turn your regular hang-out into a study date, help each other out with projects, or even plan a group study session. You can still give each other company, share food, have conversations, and more while getting work out of the way.

You don’t need to worry about falling behind on work or missing out on the chance to hang out with your friends because you’re caught up on all fronts.

9. But use your social life as an outlet for stress relief

The one thing your social life should not be doing is stressing you out. If you find yourself overwhelmed, confused, and burdened with guilt, anxiety, and stress over having to go out and see your friends, it’s important to check in with yourself.

What’s causing you to feel anxious and not excited? Your social life should be an outlet for stress relief and allow you the space, comfort, and entertainment needed to feel energised. In working on online school and social life balance, you need to understand that there will be many moments when you can’t do everything, and it’s okay to step back and evaluate what matters.

In some cases, going out with your friends may be more important than finishing an assignment three days before it’s due. Other times, giving your exams precedence over going dancing may be better for you in the long run.

No matter what you decide, think of your social life as an opportunity to connect, build meaningful relationships, and reduce the stress you already have.


A group of older students sits at a table with multiple laptops open.


10. Prioritise rest and recovery alongside socialising and studying

In all this, however, your biggest priority should be getting adequate rest and recovery time. There’s enough pressure and stress on today’s teens and children as is, and fretting over getting all your schoolwork done and meeting your friends five times a week is just not sustainable.

Work on finding some middle ground and accomplishing online school and social life balance by giving yourself enough downtime between your busy schedule. You don’t need to schedule a social activity in every gap–you can use that time to unwind, catch up on sleep and rest, work on your health and wellness goals, and take a breather. Remember that this is meant to be fun!


Two students work on a laptop together with coffee on the side.


Get the Best of Both Worlds Through Cambridge Home School Online

Finding that balance between your social life and schooling is definitely tough, but British online school enables students at various educational levels to get there. Students all the way from primary prep school to IGCSEs and Sixth Form enjoy a greater work-life balance and have the time and energy to build meaningful friendships and social relationships.

Cambridge Home School Online facilitates an incredibly diverse student body, including children and teens from the UK, Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Our remote learning model allows students to pursue a wide range of other activities and passions, from sports to travelling and socialising with their friends and family.

With small classroom sizes and a focus on individual attention and customising the learning experience based on students’ goals, our teachers are committed to helping each student do their best.

Parents can also rest assured that they will get nothing but the best when they choose our online school for their children, and if you’re looking for more details, explore the following resources to get started:

The educators at Cambridge Home School Online hold MA/MSc/PhD degrees, which allows them to provide students with the standard and quality of education they deserve. We want to help them achieve academic excellence, excel in their exams and coursework, and have amazing luck in the job market while managing online school and social life balance.

Graduates from our online British school attend the top universities, thrive in their careers,  and build a life that fulfils them and brings them to their goals. We hope to produce talented, intelligent, and conscious individuals committed to personal growth and development and doing more for the world around them.

Cambridge Home School Online is deeply invested in students’ growth and committed to providing them with top-notch education at every level. If you have any questions about the services and processes at Cambridge Home School Online, please feel free to contact our team. We’re here to help you with any queries and questions that you have.


How can students manage their time effectively for online school and social activities?

Creating a detailed schedule for each term, prioritising tasks with a to-do list, and planning social activities in advance can help students manage their time more effectively. It’s important to balance school deadlines and personal interests, allowing for a structured yet flexible routine.

What strategies can students use to maintain a balance between school and socialising?

Students can maintain a balance by scheduling social activities around school deadlines, merging hobbies with social time, setting aside specific times for meet-ups, and utilising dedicated study spaces to keep focused on schoolwork when necessary.

How can students deal with the pressures of online school and social commitments?

Dealing with the pressures of online school and social commitments can involve drawing clear boundaries, using to-do lists to stay on track, and incorporating social activities into a productive routine. It’s crucial to prioritise rest and self-care to manage stress effectively.

Can hobbies and social activities be combined effectively?

Yes, hobbies and social activities can be combined by inviting friends to join in on hobbies, such as sports or creative projects. This can be an enjoyable way to nurture friendships while pursuing personal interests and can even serve as a means to make new friends.

What support does Cambridge Home School Online offer to help students balance school and social life?

Cambridge Home School Online provides a flexible learning environment with small class sizes and a focus on individual attention, allowing students to pursue extracurricular activities and socialising. Educators with advanced degrees ensure that students receive high-quality education and support for their academic and personal development.

9 Changes You Should Make When Switching From Conventional to Online School

9 Changes You Should Make When Switching From Conventional to Online School

Switching from a traditional classroom setting to an online school environment can be a significant change for students and their families. Here are nine essential tips to help ease this transition and maximise the benefits of online learning.

1. Establish a Structured Schedule

Craft a daily routine centred around your online class timings. Incorporate regular activities such as waking up, getting dressed, attending classes, and allocating time for assignments. This helps maintain a sense of normality and structure, similar to a conventional school day. Learn more about our online school’s schedule.

2. Prepare Your Study Equipment

Ensure you have all necessary equipment for your online classes, including a reliable computer, stable internet connection, and essential peripherals like a camera and microphone. Setting up a conducive learning environment is key to a successful online education experience.

3. Designate a Study Area

Create a specific area in your home dedicated to studying and attending online classes. This helps in distinguishing between educational activities and personal time, contributing positively to your mental well-being and study habits.

4. Maintain Social Connections

Active efforts to stay connected with friends and family are crucial. Utilise social media, messaging apps, and personal meetings to keep up with your social life, balancing it with your new online schooling routine.

5. Balance Extracurricular Activities

Online schooling, such as at Cambridge Home School Online, provides flexibility to engage in hobbies and sports. Plan your extracurricular activities strategically to ensure a balanced approach to both academic and personal interests.

6. Adhere to a Study Schedule

Develop a routine for studying outside class hours. Determine specific times for homework and revision, tailoring your schedule to fit in other activities and downtime. This structure aids in effective time management and better academic performance.

7. Seek Support When Needed

Don’t hesitate to ask for help from parents, siblings, teachers, or peers. Transitioning to online schooling can be challenging, and seeking support can provide valuable insights and strategies for adapting to this new learning environment.

8. Engage Actively in Online Classes

Participation in online classes is key to making the most of your education. Engage with your teachers and classmates, ask questions, and share your thoughts to enhance your learning experience. If you’re nervous about speaking up during class, consider following up with teachers via email or notes.

9. Develop Key Skills

Use this transition period to hone important skills such as self-regulation and time management. Online schooling offers a unique opportunity to develop strengths that will benefit you in the long term, both academically and personally.

Embrace the Change with Cambridge Home School Online

Cambridge Home School Online offers a supportive and comprehensive educational experience for students transitioning from conventional to online schooling. With experienced faculty, personalised attention, and a focus on holistic development, we ensure our students excel academically and grow personally. For more information on how we can support your child’s educational journey, visit our admissions page or explore our scholarships and bursaries.

Transitioning to online schooling can be a significant change, but with the right approach and support, it can lead to a rewarding and enriching educational experience. Cambridge Home School Online is dedicated to ensuring this transition is smooth and beneficial for every student.


How can students transition smoothly from conventional to online schooling?

To ease the transition, students should create a daily schedule that emulates a traditional school structure, designate a specific study space at home, and ensure they have the necessary equipment and a reliable internet connection for online classes.

What are some effective ways for students to maintain social connections while attending an online school?

Students can maintain social connections by scheduling regular interactions with friends and family, utilising digital communication tools, and strategically planning in-person meet-ups during weekends and holidays.

How can students manage their extracurricular activities when switching to online schooling?

By being strategic with scheduling, students can continue their extracurricular activities, adjusting the times they participate to align with their new online schooling routine, ensuring they can still engage in the activities they enjoy.

What strategies can help students engage more fully in online classes?

Active participation in online classes can be facilitated by engaging in discussions, asking questions, and using follow-up communications such as emails to clarify doubts, helping students to overcome the barrier of the virtual classroom.

How can the transition to online school help with personal skill development?

Transitioning to online school can foster self-regulation, time management, and self-directed learning, as the new environment typically requires students to take more responsibility for their learning and schedule.

How to Develop a Strong Relationship with Your Online Teachers

A student focuses on reading materials during class.

There are thousands–if not more–of stories about teachers who changed their students’ lives for the better and made such a lasting impact on them as human beings. We’ve all had incredible teachers who believed in us, saw the best in us, and chose to put us first.

But it can be a tad more challenging to foster a strong student-teacher relationship when you’re primarily interacting with each other online. It’s essential to your growth and learning that you build a strong relationship with your educators, however, and here are some important tips on achieving that:

1. Introduce yourself to them before and in class at our online school in the UK

When you’re part of an online school in the UK and tuning in from a different geographical region, it’s challenging to connect with your teachers effectively. This is why we recommend introducing yourself to them before, and in class, so they know who you are and how to identify you.

While we keep our classrooms small to allow for more one-on-one attention, focus, and interaction, we do understand that students may still find it difficult to come forward. There are several techniques you can use to make the introduction a tad bit easier for yourself.

You can introduce yourself to them before classes via email to give them an idea of your name and other basic details about yourself that you feel they should know. This could include any language barriers, potential challenges that you face, and anything else that may be of relevance to them.


A teacher works at his desk while using his laptop.


2. Take an active interest in their lessons and material

While not every subject is equally interesting or appealing to everyone, it does help make a lasting impression on your teachers if you take an active interest in their lessons and course materials.

Of course, this is not to say that you be dishonest and pretend to love a subject you hate, but simply that you put in the effort to learn. Complete all assigned readings before class, review materials and content for the upcoming lesson, and be sure to take notes in class. An active effort on your part speaks volumes about your capabilities as a student and reflects incredibly well on your commitment. It’s one of the best ways to improve your student-teacher relationship and make sure your instructors remember you.

3. Don’t hesitate to ask questions in class at our online school in the UK

Another excellent way to stand out and build better student-teacher relationships is by asking questions and participating in class. Teachers love when their students express and display enthusiasm and take an active interest in their lessons.

Asking questions doesn’t make you disruptive, so long as they’re respectful, relevant to the material, and intended to benefit you. A great way to ask better questions is to read ahead of the class, make notes, and ask for more clarification and elaboration on the material. This shows that not only did you put in extra effort to engage with the material, but you also paid attention during lectures and seminars.

Questions help clear and strengthen your own understanding of a subject and clear any confusion that you have while also getting you noticed by the instructor. Don’t ask questions just to get attention–ask them because you want to do better and because you care about learning.

4. Maintain personal boundaries and respect their space

Unlike conventional schools, where there are physical boundaries and distinctions in space, online school becomes trickier to manage personal boundaries. Boundaries and space are important in cultivating a safe and healthy student-teacher relationship because they help you interact appropriately.

If they’ve provided office hours, try to keep all communication within those hours, reach out to them via institutional emails and numbers, and avoid using their personal information.

It doesn’t matter how public or private your teachers are on social media and public platforms, a good rule of thumb is to stay away. Social media profiles and accounts should be a no-go zone between students and teachers unless for strictly educational purposes.

Even if you do have access to their personal numbers, email addresses, home addresses, or social media accounts, avoid impinging on their digital spaces and privacy, and maintain a safe distance.


A teacher holds a book while conducting online lessons.


5. Make an effort to get to know them beyond the classroom

Maintaining boundaries does not, however, mean you can’t get to know your teachers beyond the classroom. In fact, it’s often one of the most important cornerstones of a healthy student-teacher relationship to know each other well.

You can respect their personal life and privacy while still discussing hobbies, pastimes, and interests that they hold. You can ask them about what they enjoy doing in their downtime, what kind of music they enjoy, and other questions that help you know them better while still maintaining privacy.

You can ask them certain questions that help you know them better and make an effort to learn more about their interests. It’s one of the most rewarding experiences to connect with your teachers based on mutual interests and shared experiences, which makes them a lot more relatable and a lot less intimidating.

6. Don’t be afraid to talk about your own interests and hobbies

Additionally, don’t hesitate to talk about your own interests and hobbies too. If it’s relevant to your class discussion, or your teacher engages in similar interests, you can always express your passion for that pursuit too.

Remember that it’s a two-way street, and your teachers do want to know you better as well. Nobody will judge you for having unique, varied interests, and you shouldn’t be afraid to explore them with your faculty members. Perhaps some of them may even teach you more about them!

You can also use this opportunity to connect with your peers and classmates, bonding over creative pursuits and interests together. If you know other people who are interested in the same things as you, feel free to start a virtual society or club together at our online British school. You can ask your teacher to supervise or moderate the student club online and strengthen your student-teacher relationship.


A student looks happy while taking a class online.


7. Ask for their help if you’re struggling with classes or homework for our British online school

We strengthen our bonds with people when we help each other be the best versions of ourselves, and you should not be afraid to ask your faculty members for support. If you’re having a hard time with classes or you can’t seem to figure out an assignment or homework, reach out to your teacher.

Chances are, they’ll be able to provide you with some one-on-one guidance, or they’ll be able to share tools and resources that will help you or generally make recommendations. Study tips, advice, and recommendations from the faculty member that knows this subject are incomparable to any self-study or textbook, and you definitely don’t want to miss out on taking advantage of this. You’re not inconveniencing them by wanting to do better!

You’re bound to see more improvement in your performance and the quality of work when you have the input and help of the highly qualified and educated teachers at our British online school.

8. Do your work on time and study with greater focus and attention

If you want to make a stellar impression and truly impress your faculty members, give your education your all. We mentioned earlier that passion, dedication, interest, and participation play a major role in developing a great student-teacher relationship, and we want to add focus to that list too.

Your teacher will take you more seriously and see you are a great student when they know you’re putting in the work, regardless of your grades and scores. What matters is your punctuality, efficiency, and attention to detail. Teachers are trained to see quality effort and value in their students’ work and will know how invested they are. Nobody expects perfection, just consistency, so do your work on time, focus on your lessons, and pay attention to the details, and you’ll foster a wonderful relationship with them in no time.


A student and teacher interact online during class.


9. Join in on different activities and games going on in class at our British online school

Beyond class participation and after-school clubs, you can bond with your faculty members through the many activities and games that they host in class. Many students hesitate to join in on alternative exercises and academic activities, which can show a hesitation to participate and doesn’t make the best impression on your teacher.

Instead, join in on the fun, engage with all the wonderful teaching methods our faculty members apply, and get to see a fun, lighthearted side of your teachers too. Our British online school uses the best teaching methods and techniques to ensure that you grow and develop holistically, which is why our educators are open to different methods of engaging students.

10. Demonstrate strong leadership qualities and take charge

Being a leader, taking the initiative in class and outside academic settings, and demonstrating responsibility will always help you bond with your online teachers. It’s difficult to truly gauge how responsive students are when you’re behind a screen, which is why it’s always refreshing to see students take the initiative.

From leading study groups online and mentoring other students to suggesting bonding activities for your class, there are different ways you can take on leadership roles virtually. Being outside a conventional setting doesn’t shift the dynamic that significantly, and you can always engage with your peers and teachers through different mediums–your enthusiasm is going to be appreciated and won’t go unnoticed.


A teacher based in Cambridge smiles while looking at her laptop.


Cambridge Home School Online is Home to Passionate, Committed Teachers

Hailing from a wide variety of educational and professional backgrounds, teachers at our British online school are deeply committed to helping students grow and reach their full potential.

Our faculty members are highly qualified and hold MA/MSc/PhD degrees, which makes them some of the most talented, hardworking, and knowledgeable teaching professionals and allows them to create a highly supportive environment for your child.

Whether students are in primary prep school or studying for IGCSEs and Sixth Form, the goal is for us to foster healthy, dependable, and fulfiling student-teacher relationships.

Students at Cambridge Home School Online come from several geographical locations and regions, including the UK, parts of Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. It’s a multicultural, multi-ethnic student body that has so much to offer. Our students grow together and learn from one another at every step while simultaneously developing incredible student-teacher relationships too.

If you’re interested in enroling your child at our online school in the UK, you can learn more about our admissions process and other details through our website. Take a look at the following resources for more information:

Our online school in Cambridge prides itself on being able to provide high-quality education to students across the globe, encouraging and supporting them in their professional and educational careers.

A supportive student-teacher relationship plays a crucial role in setting up students for long-term success and progress. From seeking advice on the top universities to career guidance, there’s a lot our faculty offers.

Together, parents, faculty members, and the school administration are an indomitable force whose shared interest in students’ careers and education creates an incredible environment. Cambridge Home School Online hopes to inspire students to do their best in all facets of their lives.

Reach out to us at Cambridge Home School Online to know more about our school and classes or if you have any other queries.


How can I build a strong student-teacher relationship in an online school?

Building a strong student-teacher relationship in an online school can be nurtured by actively participating in classes, engaging with the course material, respecting personal boundaries, and making an effort to get to know teachers and classmates within appropriate limits.

What should I do to make a good first impression on my online teachers?

A good first impression can be made by introducing yourself to your teachers early on, showing enthusiasm in learning, and consistently submitting assignments on time. Demonstrating dedication and respect for their time and space also contributes positively.

Is it important to engage with teachers outside of lessons?

While maintaining professional boundaries, it is beneficial to engage with teachers on common interests and hobbies, as this can help strengthen the student-teacher relationship and make the online learning experience more relatable.

Can I still participate in extracurricular activities in an online school?

Yes, you can participate in extracurricular activities in an online school. Many online schools have clubs and societies that you can join, and you can also take the initiative to start your own, potentially with the help of a teacher.

How can I show leadership in an online school environment?

Showing leadership in an online school can involve taking the initiative in group projects, leading study sessions, or suggesting new activities for the class. This proactive approach can help you stand out and build a stronger rapport with your teachers.

Eight Reasons Why You Should Choose the British Curriculum for Your Children

Illustration showing a successful career after attending online school in the UK

Children’s education starts fairly early in life. From the time they learn to speak, their experiences become the building blocks that shape their future growth. Having a solid educational base provides them with the kick-start they need to succeed in life.

Parents all over the world strive to provide the best to their children, whether it’s nutrition, clothing, ethics, morals, or education. When it comes to schooling, the limited choices for high-quality local schools have led many to opt for online schools.

Parents in many regions worldwide, including Europe, Central and South Asia, the UK, Africa, and the Middle East, are increasingly enrolling their children in online international schools like Cambridge Home School Online for a brighter future for their children.

The online school focuses on combining educational and practical approaches to impart knowledge to children according to the British curriculum. The premium curriculum is easy to understand yet recognised across the globe for covering all aspects of education and life, allowing children to flourish in their unique ways.

Recommended Read: How Online Learning Fosters Self-Directed Learning And Curiosity

Benefits of Studying The British Curriculum At Cambridge Home School Online


a boy with his mom during a parent-teacher meeting at an online school

#1- Effective Teaching Methods

MA/MSc/PhD qualified teachers at the online British school are trained to promote independent and creative thinking in children. They use tailored teaching methods to help children learn in a safe environment. It helps them develop critical life skills that prepare students for a successful professional life.

When a child doesn’t feel pressurised to fit into societal standards, they excel in educational, personal, social, and extracurricular activities. The educators encourage inquisitive, active learners to ask questions freely and voice their unique ideas with confidence.

With equal emphasis on both group and independent work, the teachers modify lessons based on the needs of each student. The class sizes are deliberately kept small to help encourage teacher-student interaction so each child can be nurtured in a cohesive and inclusive environment. Each class has a low teacher-student ratio, with less than 12 children per class.

The online British school strives to develop students in all aspects of their lives, even the ones beyond academia. The development of confidence to question opinions and form their own helps build analytical and critical thinking. Over two decades, teachers at the online school have learned that less emphasis should be placed on retaining facts and more on coming up with proactive solutions for real-world problems.

Recommended Read: Looking to the Future: How Cambridge Home School Online Equips Young Learners

The students can also benefit from online tools such as time management coaching, supplemental instruction, weekly lecture series, career counselling, and a full-fledged eLibrary. Students can access countless valuable resources, including PowerPoint presentations, books, previous catch-up lessons, study guides, past papers, videos, and other edutainment options that will support their unique goals and learning journeys.

#2- Global Recognition

Established in 1988, the British Curriculum soon became one of the most widely taught educational programs in the world. With a focus on depth on breadth, the well-balanced and student-centric system helps children master any array of core subjects. This includes courses like literature, science, and math, as well as humanities, arts, and more.

The curriculum progresses as the child moves to higher classes to help them dive deeper as they explore the more complex and nuanced aspects of each subject. Not only do they learn how to relate them to other practical and educational aspects, but also get offers from the top universities such as Princeton, Berkeley, Oxford, Yale, MIT, Harvard, Cambridge, and Columbia, among others, when they top their IGSCE and A-Level exams.


an online school student giving an interview


#3- Well-Defined Key Stages for Better Understanding of Children’s Progress

Unlike its American counterpart, the British curriculum explicitly defines education stages in well-defined and organised blocks known as key stages.

Play-based learning in the Primary Prep stage helps children aged between 2 and 5 to understand literacy and numeracy through fun-filled activities. Most children have a foundation in numbers, reading, and a second language by the end of the early years.

The next key stages help children aged 5 to 11 learn fundamentals in English and math. Art, humanities, and science are covered through projects in the form of multidisciplinary subjects.

The upper school is more course-based but aims at developing students’ ability to think critically and work independently. Educators focus on exposing children aged between 11 and 14 to many opportunities to help them gain a better understanding of a wide range of subjects. Students can use this chance to explore more about where their academic and professional interests lie.

Sixth-form students work toward a-level exams with basic courses and additional specialisation choices from a wide range of options. Since each stage is clearly defined, students can be assessed properly at the end of every key stage. A clear overview of a student’s progress helps develop future plans accordingly.

Recommended Read: How to Choose the Right British Online School in 2023

#4- Growth beyond the Classroom Environment

The well-rounded curriculum focuses on helping students develop into responsible global citizens who not only understand the core principles of each subject taught in class but also use the knowledge and skills in real-world situations.

The flexibility offered by online classes allows for placing a foremost priority on performing arts, sports, STEM, MUNs, and other extracurricular activities. Students of today grow up to be intelligent leaders of tomorrow to help bring positive changes to the world.


a girl attending online homeschool


While flexibility is important, there is such a thing as too much flexibility. Most conventional schools provide very little flexibility, while some online homeschools are also guilty of providing too much leeway to students.

But Cambridge Home School Online has fine-tuned its policies and introduced measures to provide controlled flexibility to students. It’s a great way to help each student enjoy the benefits of flexible learning without going off track. The risks of procrastination and complacency are eliminated.

#5- Caters to Students with Unique Abilities

The curriculum, as well as school policies, are designed keeping students from all backgrounds, ethnicities, and abilities in mind. Bright children are encouraged to challenge themselves with goals that cater to digger deeper around the same as well as different topics.

Educators help differently-abled students learn topics they find tough through one-on-one sessions. Students also support classmates without judgment or harassment. While interpersonal relationships and class interactions or group study sessions are encouraged, bullying, violence, and unhealthy competition are highly discouraged and even penalised.

MA/MSc/Ph.D. qualified teachers at the online British school focus on physical and mental health as well while teaching children to respect their bodies, fellow students, and their opinions, celebrate differences, and follow interests passionately. Happier, healthier, and more confident students are better learners and even greater leaders!

Recommended Read: How to Choose Your IGCSE Subjects – A Guide

#6- Uniform Assessments and Exams

When it comes to uniforms, children and parents don’t have to worry about waking up earlier to dress up in uniforms prepared each night so they can reach on time amid long-distance commutes that feel even longer thanks to the heavy traffic in the morning. The time and money savings are significant! And parents could use the option of one less hassle to deal with.

Meanwhile, another benefit of studying the British curriculum includes sitting for standardised International General Certificate of Secondary Education and A-Level exams. Students overseas and in the UK both sit the same international standard exams.

The papers are set by either the Edexcel Examinations Board or Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) to guarantee consistency that results in trust and credibility worldwide.

Students typically sit in English, science, math, and other language exams, along with interesting elective choices. These include everything from law to music, psychology, sociology, media and art design, French, computer sciences, and many other options.

Regardless of their geographical location, students sit in AS and A-Level exams in Sixth Form. The choice of subjects is usually determined by personal preferences as well as the courses they plan to pursue during further studies.

The choice of subject also significantly impacts the career they plan to choose after university education. However, the last key stage is designed to lay the foundation for convenient future learning.


a boy confidently interacting with classmates at online British school


#7- Promotes Multicultural Acceptance and Knowledge

The British curriculum taught at reputable online international schools enables students from every book and corner of the world to be a part of the greater global community. The online classes at Cambridge Home School Online are designed to help students learn about multicultural communities and diversity through class discussions and engaging activities.

Each student develops an individual identity along with a global one. They learn to communicate, help, and work together with international communities in solidarity.

Considering ways adults are tested in an array of ways in their personal and work life, children must learn resilience and acceptance from a young age. Teachers work hard to nurture social endurance and a more in-depth understanding of multicultural communities.

Recommended Read: How Cambridge Home School Online Works Towards Mental Health Support

They use social experiences, modelling concepts, art expressions, and sports to teach several lessons. The curriculum strives to instil values and morals from a young age. They learn to cooperate, collaborate, and respect others’ perspectives through team-building exercises.

These students turn out to be socially aware individuals with increased tolerance and improved interpersonal skills. Self-esteem also improves, and so do time management and organisational skills.

The holistic British curriculum is carefully designed to polish the skills of each child while helping them to enjoy healthy relationships with themselves and others. They can pursue their dreams with a positive outlook and self-image needed to concur with the many forks in the road that await them as they grow up in this uncertain world.

The trained educators also mentor students to navigate challenging conditions and help them enhance healthy coping mechanisms with one-on-one success coaching and pastoral support.

#8- Creating Long-Term Value

In this globalised world full of diverse opportunities, the direction a student chooses to follow at school might not be the only one they stick to throughout their lives. Students of the British curriculum can handle uncertainties and adapt proactively to the ever-evolving labour markets.

The environment is designed in a way that they turn out to be self-motivated individuals who independently learn new skills or update older ones to work competently in s globalised world.


 a young boy completing an online school assignment


Join the Top Online International School Now!

Our focus at Cambridge Home School Online is to develop a well-rounded curriculum that’s innovative and personalised, so it paves the way for students to grow into resilient, independent, and compassionate adults, ready to achieve their best in everything they do!

If you’re interested in learning what makes us one of the best online British schools in the UK, reach out to our representatives! They’re available round the clock to walk you through important term dates and the admissions process. You can also send an email to receive prompt guidance about our fee structure, curriculum, and scholarships & bursaries.

We’ve received positive reviews and an immaculate TrustSpot score for a reason! Well, plenty of compelling reasons that you can learn about by scheduling a one-on-one meet and greet with our teachers.

Ready to set your child up for success? Submit an application form right away! Cambridge Home School Online hopes to inspire students to do their best in all facets of their lives.


How does Cambridge Home School Online support a child’s early educational development?

Cambridge Home School Online nurtures early educational development by offering a curriculum that combines educational and practical approaches, tailored to enhance children’s natural curiosity and learning according to the British curriculum.

What makes the teaching methods at Cambridge Home School Online effective?

The effectiveness of teaching at Cambridge Home School Online comes from its qualified teachers who promote independent thinking, provide tailored teaching methods, and keep class sizes small for individual attention, fostering critical life skills for students’ future success.

Why is the British Curriculum at Cambridge Home School Online globally recognised?

The British Curriculum at Cambridge Home School Online is globally recognised due to its depth and breadth in core subjects, its well-structured progression through key stages, and its preparation for top university offers.

How does Cambridge Home School Online’s British Curriculum prepare students beyond academic success?

Cambridge Home School Online prepares students beyond academic success by promoting well-rounded development, encouraging participation in extracurricular activities, and instilling global citizenship values for real-world application.

What advantages do Cambridge Home School Online students have in terms of flexibility and assessments?

Students at Cambridge Home School Online benefit from controlled flexibility in their learning, avoiding procrastination and complacency, while uniform assessments ensure consistency and credibility in examinations.

How to Secure an A* in A Level Economics

A student takes notes during an online class.

A Level economics is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding and fulfilling subjects you can take on during your school years. It opens up a world of opportunity for further education at the A Level, university, and onwards, and it is a great subject to help open your eyes to the world around you.

However, it’s also one of the most demanding and challenging subjects you’ll study, especially if you have no prior background or history. These  A Level economics study tips are bound to help you and get you on the track to secure an A* in your final exam:

Be clear in your goals and objectives at our online school in the UK

One of the most important things to start off studying economics, or any subject, whether it’s for your A Levels or otherwise, is to have clear goals and objectives. Your goals need to be realistic, attainable, measurable, and factor in different aspects, such as your current grasp and mastery of the subject, how much time you have, and more.

They can include getting an A* or improving your overall performance, or really anything else you set your mind to.

It’s important to give yourself grace and factor in a margin of error. It’s not possible to make the jump from a failing grade to an A* overnight, but you can get there if you have sufficient time, an actionable plan, and the right A Level economics study tips.

Understand the structure of the syllabus

Before you actually start studying, take a look at the complete structure of the syllabus. See how different topics and portions are divided thematically, what order they follow, and what each paper comprises. This will allow you to break down complex, varied, and vast information into more digestible bits and sections and help you devise a game plan.

Knowing the syllabus will help you understand the subject matter in addition to preparing you for testing and examination and provide you insight into the assessment process itself. As you already know, A Level economics is divided into two segments, AS and A Level, and typically taken a year or exam cycle apart. Some students may also choose to take the complete subject in one go as an accelerated exam, registering for all four papers in the same cycle.

No matter what your choice and decision, however, you need to have a clear understanding of the complete structure before you come up with a study plan and direction for yourself.


A girl sits at a desk while studying on her laptop.

Familiarise yourself with the different resources  

Moving on, you need to familiarise yourself with different resources available to you apart from the syllabus. Look at different official textbooks, resource manuals, educational videos, guides, and Learner’s Guides that walk you through the exam too.

These resources help you prepare for the many expectations held of you and what you need to do in order to score well and get higher grades overall. You will also learn what assessment criteria they follow, how your papers are graded, what weightage each paper holds, how questions are structured and many other details. The complexity of the grading and assessment structure is precisely what makes this subject one of the most challenging options, but it’s also something you can perform well in.

A Level economics tests your technical knowledge, puts your social science skills to the test, and explores your analytical capabilities in a single subject. It’s one of the most well-rounded subjects that truly puts you outside your comfort zone, and the more prepared you are, the better.

Take practice exams routinely to see where you stand

One of the best ways to see where you currently stand and how you’re performing is to take a practice exam. Try taking a full-length exam for each part you plan to register for, simulating examination conditions and times, and get an idea of what your current grade is.

This is one of the most effective A Level economics study tips in the long run, given that it allows you to get a fair and accurate picture of your performance, where you need to get to and evaluate where your weaknesses lie. Some students might struggle with multiple-choice questions; others may have a hard time writing essays during the exam or performing calculations. It varies from person to person, and you need to get a fair, objective idea of what you need to work on the most. Luckily, you can easily access all kinds of past papers through different websites or even request your teachers at Cambridge Home School Online to share testing resources.

Read the examiner’s reports to see what they expect

In addition to solving past papers and checking answer keys afterwards, you should be reviewing examiners’ reports too. Examiners often compile and generate detailed breakdowns of what they look for, how they grade and evaluate answers and their general criteria and expectations of students.

This is one of the most effective ways to get inside their mind and understand what you need to bring to the table to score well. Examiners’ reports are also typically available online, and it’s more than likely that your A Level economics teachers at our British online school will share them with you too.


A student studies with intense focus while preparing for his economics exam.


Attend all your lessons at our online school in the UK

There’s not much to understand about this A Level economics study tip, but don’t skip lessons and classes at our online school in the UK! It’s easy to believe that you can study independently and without the support of teachers and instructors, but it’s not all that simple.

Teachers at our school hold some of the highest educational qualifications, including MA/MSc/PhD degrees, alongside years of experience which teaches them what to anticipate, expect, and impart to you. They provide unique insights, make the subject matter more interesting and digestible, and give you a lot to think about beyond the textbook. Most of all, though, they will be breaking down tough, complex concepts and providing you with key skills needed to secure an A*.

Take detailed notes during all lessons and seminars

This is not just an A Level economics study tip but applies to all your classes and courses: start taking notes.

You need to make notes during all your lectures and seminars to truly grasp and absorb the concepts you learn. Note-taking is a skill and an art, and it’s one of the best ways to personalise content for yourself.

Taking notes not only adapts large volumes of information into a form you understand but also simplifies it through familiar language and style. It’s a double-learning process that helps you absorb what you’re learning two-fold as you listen, process, write, and then review it. The information stays with you for longer and more thoroughly this way, and not only are you retaining it better, you understand it more thoroughly each time you go over your notes.


A student focuses on her exam preparation.


Learn to identify command words in questions

A bonus A Level economics study tip, in addition to solving practice questions and reviewing reports, is that you should learn how to identify command words. A Level economics tests your analytical skills, and many of the words they use in questions serve very specific purposes, so look out for words such as ‘Describe,’ ‘Define,’ and ‘Analyse’ to see what the question asks of you.

Your answers will depend on the command word, and in many cases, you will be expected to provide your own input too.

Make a detailed timetable for all your A Level subjects

If you haven’t already, you need to make a detailed timetable for all your A Level subjects and study times. Economics is one of the most demanding subjects you can take, requiring additional focus, practice, revision, and testing outside the classroom.

Build a schedule around your lesson timings and classes, and choose a distraction-free study zone where you can focus on your work. A clearly defined, well-planned schedule helps you direct and plan your week more efficiently, allowing you to set clear goals and timelines along the way as well.

For instance, you can designate a few hours each day to study and practice economics questions and increase those hours as you get closer to your exams or as you tick off goals from your list.


A young student excitedly tosses his notes in the air.


Ask teachers and instructors for help with concepts

The talented teachers at our online school in the UK are here to help you with your education and nudge you onto the path of success. You should not hesitate to ask them for help with different concepts, even if they’ve already covered them in class.

Everyone learns at their own pace, and one of the best A Level economics study tips to remember is that if you’re stuck in a particular place and require more expert insight, there’s no one better than your own teacher. Email them with your problems, or ask them questions in class, and they’ll be happy to break things down for you.

A Level economics is one of the toughest subjects out there, so don’t hesitate to ask for help. We’re all committed to your growth and want to see you thrive!

Trust that you have the skills to do what this takes

While this isn’t exactly a study tip for A Level economics, remember that self-belief and self-confidence are essential to your success in this subject and the rest. You need to truly and earnestly believe that you have the skills and talent to secure an excellent grade, be it an A* or otherwise.

Remember that you are talented, intelligent, and hardworking, and you’ll find yourself working to fulfil those beliefs through your studies. Positive self-talk is one of the most valuable tools for students today and should be a habit that you build for long-term use.

If you’re struggling with self-doubt, or feel discouraged, reach out to the counsellors and teachers at our online school in Cambridge for help.


A student focuses on her book while studying.


Get on the Path to Success with Teachers at Cambridge Home School Online

As one of the leading British online schools, our goal isn’t to just ensure students get excellent grades, but that they’re set up for success in the long run. Our students, no matter what grade level they’re at, ranging from primary prep school to A Levels and Sixth Form, have access to the best learning experience possible.

Cambridge Home School Online’s talented teachers not only help students develop various skills in different areas of their academic life. The goal is to provide students from across the UK, Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East with top-quality education and help them perform well in their A Levels and A Levels too.

Through individual attention, small classroom sizes, and personalised study plans, we also routinely share advice such as A Level Economics study tips through our blogs and other mediums.

Our online British school is committed to providing students with whatever they need to achieve their academic goals and professional development.

Parents and students can take a look at the following resources to learn more about our online British school:

With incredibly talented and highly-educated faculty members that hold MA/MSc/PhD degrees, our team ensures that the classroom is a productive space. Students have the help and advice they need in order to excel in their exams and coursework. We want to produce well-rounded candidates who are confident, passionate, and talented.

Students that graduate from our British online school enrol in some of the leading universities, get incredible jobs and improve their professional and personal lives.

You can learn more about our educational programs, or ask us any questions about classes or other details at Cambridge Home School Online by contacting our team.


How can I set realistic academic goals for A Level economics at an online school?

Setting realistic academic goals involves considering your current understanding of the subject, available study time, and long-term academic targets, such as achieving specific grades or enhancing overall subject comprehension.

Why is understanding the syllabus structure crucial for A Level economics success?

Understanding the syllabus structure is essential because it enables you to break down the subject into manageable sections, plan your study effectively, and align your preparation with the assessment requirements.

How can practice exams benefit my A Level economics preparation?

Practice exams are an effective way to gauge your current understanding, identify areas for improvement, and familiarize yourself with the exam format and time constraints, thus aiding in better preparation.

What are the advantages of reviewing examiners’ reports for A Level economics?

Reviewing examiners’ reports provides insight into the grading process, clarifies examiner expectations, and highlights common student errors, guiding you towards more focused and effective study strategies.

How can I maximise my learning during online A Level economics lessons?

Maximising learning during online lessons can be achieved by attending all classes, engaging actively with the material, taking detailed notes, and seeking clarification on difficult concepts from qualified teachers.