A student engages in studying and taking notes.

While grades are not the end of the world, focusing on doing well in school and aiming higher is important. Students need to focus on well-rounded, well-developed educational goals that help steer them in the right direction, using effective strategies and tips on how to improve their grades.

Different students may have different learning styles and strategies that work for them, and it helps to understand what works for you, but there are some more general tips, tricks, and advice that students across the board can benefit from.

Our online Cambridge school specialises in providing top-quality education to students from various countries, and we’re sharing some of the most significant insights and recommendations that help our students save time and improve their grades. Let’s talk about some of them:

1. Create a dedicated study spot in your home or elsewhere

The tricky bit about attending an online school like Cambridge Home School Online as opposed to a conventional school is that you’re away from the physical boundaries and spaces they offer. This means you should create a dedicated area, whether at home, a cafe, a library, or anywhere else you have consistent access to, and make it your go-to study spot.

A good study spot is accessible, convenient, and allows you to focus more. A few things to think about when choosing a study spot or location include: how much natural light it gets, how well-ventilated it is, and having access to the things you require, such as a steady internet connection to attend classes, notebooks and stationery, all your books, and even some snacks that you may need for fuel.

A student takes notes while attending a lecture online.


2. Minimise all kinds of distractions during classes and study time

A major cause of poor grades is being distracted while studying. If you’re looking for an important tip on how to improve your grades, minimising distractions of all kinds is vital. This includes avoiding social media, staying off your phone, keeping toys and playthings away during study time, and ensuring that nobody disturbs you while you work. It can help to set timers on your phone, use apps that block notifications, don’t let you access social media while you work, and so on. Find ways to effectively minimise the distractions you face, and identify what you struggle with the most to get a clearer idea.

To build this as a consistent habit, you should start cutting back on phone usage, and social media use in your daily life too!

3. Develop the habit of note-taking during lectures at our online school in the UK

While our online British school provides you with all the course material, syllabus, and additional resources, you must develop the habit of note-taking as a general measure.

Taking personalised notes allows you to retain knowledge more effectively, absorbing key points and information passively in the process. Taking notes by hand ensures that you’re engaging with your lectures, improves attentiveness and absorption, and allows you to process information more efficiently. It’s not the same as typing notes out or relying on other people’s content; your mind doesn’t work the same way.

4. Design a comprehensive study plan for coursework at our British online school in the UK

If you want to do better, or you’re wondering how to improve your grades in the long run, you need a plan of action for yourself. A study plan is essential to your progress; without one, you will struggle to find a direction or structure.

Design a comprehensive study plan looking at the coursework you have at our online British school and how many hours a week you should dedicate to it outside your regular classes. You don’t need to spend 20 hours a day studying–just a few hours of focused, dedicated study time can be highly effective. While it depends on each student’s age and education level, an average student can easily put in 6-7 hours a day. However, that’s not always manageable, so it helps to set 2-3 hours aside each day with a clear plan of how much material you need to cover, how many assignments you need to get done, and when.

A student uses a globe to revise syllabus material.


5. Factor and schedule breaks into your overall study plan and periods

Apart from setting a schedule for how much you’ll study each day or each week, your study plan should also account for breaks. Scheduled breaks offer many advantages to students, including breaking down their study schedule, giving them clear structure, providing relief and relaxation time mid-way, and also telling them when to get back to work.

Scheduled breaks are much better than random, unplanned breaks or pushing yourself to work without them altogether. Breaks are a quintessential part of effective study strategies and are necessary if you want to know how to improve your grades.

In addition to midday or mid-session breaks, you should also factor in break days to cut through the monotony. Perhaps one day a week can be dedicated to resting, spending time with friends and family, or catching up on hobbies, so your mind and body can unwind.

6. Be consistent with your study times–including working on assignments for our online school in the UK

Being consistent is one of the best habits to build if you’re wondering how to improve your grades. Be consistent with your work and study times each day, and you’ll automatically build better habits and practices. Studying at the same time each day will allow you to pencil it into your schedule, you’ll know it’s time to work, and it’s much easier to keep track of.

Align your study hours with your classes at Cambridge Home School Online for more efficiency. If you get done with classes in the morning, start studying at mid-day. If your classes start later in the day, use your mornings more productively. Just ensure that you remain consistent with your practices.

7. Set goals and outcomes for each study session and general school studies online

Just like it’s not a great idea to study without a schedule, it’s also not the best idea to study without set goals and outcomes. Make it a habit to set intentions and goals before each study session, which will allow you to do well in your academics.

Your goals can be as small as learning a new concept to as wide as covering three chapters before a test or exam, or perhaps you’re struggling with something in particular and want to improve. No matter what your goals may be, listing them and aspiring towards them each session will bring you a greater sense of accomplishment.

Study goals can also be linked to your grades directly, and you can commit to scoring higher on a practice test or addressing certain weaknesses and confusions in your session. It’s entirely up to you!

A student smiles while taking an online class with a tutor.


8. Try studying with a peer group, such as classmates at our online Cambridge school

One of the greatest aspects of studying in our online Cambridge school is building meaningful connections with peers. Our small class sizes and flexible schedules ensure that students have a lot of opportunities to interact with and learn from their peers and classmates and create a community that thrives on exchanging knowledge.

One of the ways they can achieve that is via peer group studies. Since we ensure that we teach students from similar time zones, including those in the UK, Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, it’s easier to set up a joint study session independently too.

Students can collaborate online to study, learn new concepts, engage ideas, and teach each other. Peer learning has been known to be one of the most effective ways to improve knowledge retention allowing for more of an exchange of ideas. If you want to know how to improve your grades, talk to your classmates and see what works for them–you might be surprised.

A student focuses on her educational slides.

9. Don’t hesitate to ask your classmates and teachers for help

The teachers and students at our online school in Cambridge are some of the most talented, intelligent, and helpful individuals you will ever come across, which is why you should make it a habit to ask for help. There’s nothing shameful or wrong in needing a little additional support, guidance, or help, and it’s how you can improve your grades more effectively too. Students and teachers you work with can help you individually, sharing tips and advice and even repeating concepts you’re struggling with. Building that community is an important step for students, and it starts with understanding that you’re not alone.

10. Use rewards and incentives strategically to motivate and inspire yourself

Rewards and incentives are great ways to motivate yourself to do better. It’s how you can improve your grades, keep your morale up, and be more excited to perform better. This doesn’t mean you develop a habit of never working or studying without a reward, but developing intrinsic and extrinsic incentives that give you that extra nudge.

For instance, you could treat yourself to a sweet each time you finish a certain section of your book or give yourself an extra 20 minutes of social media time at the end of the day if you submit an assignment on time. The rewards should be appropriately proportionate to the level of effort the task requires, saving bigger rewards for harder work.

Using small but meaningful rewards is one of the simplest but most effective habits students can benefit from if they struggle to study or work on time.

In fact, you can even use delayed gratification to set a tantalising reward when you actually achieve the outcome you want, i.e. better grades. It’s entirely up to you!


A student’s desk with a stack of books and a cup of tea.


Improve Your Grades, Confidence, and Excel in Your Career at Cambridge Home School Online

As one of the leading British online schools, we aspire to teach students different skills they can carry into their educational careers at all levels. We offer classes starting from primary prep school all the way through to IGCSEs and Sixth Form, working with students across wide age ranges.

Cambridge Home School Online’s talented teachers are here to facilitate students looking to develop key skills across various disciplines and fields. We work with students across the UK, Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Our approach to online education focuses on individual attention, maintaining small classroom sizes, and personalised study plans that teach you how to improve your grades.

Our team will help students meet their requirements, achieve their academic goals, and get one step closer to their professional development through effective academic strategy.

Parents and students can explore the following resources to get started on registering for our online British school:

Our faculty members are highly-educated and have the skills and background to guide students on how to improve their grades. The MA/MSc/PhD holding faculty members are committed to ensuring that students perform well, get the support they need, and catch up on exams and coursework. The ultimate goal is to ensure that they are desirable, well-rounded candidates who stand out in the job market when they’re ready.

Graduates from our British online school go on to attend the top universities, secure top-notch jobs and build a stronger presence in their professional and personal lives. We hope for our students to be passionate, skilled, and interested in anything they do.

We’ve created one of the most well-rounded educational programs for students of multiple levels. If you have any questions about classes or other details at Cambridge Home School Online, please feel free to contact our team, and we’d be happy to assist you with anything you need.


How can creating a dedicated study spot help improve grades in online school?

Creating a dedicated study spot for online school helps students focus better, organize their learning materials, and establish a routine that fosters consistent study habits, ultimately leading to improved grades.

What are some effective ways to minimize distractions during online learning?

Minimizing distractions during online learning involves actively managing and reducing interruptions such as social media use, ensuring a quiet study environment, and using tools or apps that restrict notifications during study time.

Why is note-taking an important habit for online school students to develop?

Note-taking is crucial because it actively involves students during lectures, aids in better information retention, and provides personalized study material that can be more easily recalled during revisions and exams.

How does a comprehensive study plan contribute to academic success?

A comprehensive study plan ensures that students allocate adequate time to all subjects, set realistic goals, and maintain a balanced approach to their academic workload, which is instrumental in achieving better grades.

What is the significance of including scheduled breaks in a study plan?

Scheduled breaks prevent burnout, improve concentration, and help students maintain a steady pace of study by providing necessary mental and physical rest between intensive study periods.

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